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Welcome to Voices

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As you can see, horror is a part of who I am. It has become such a prominent piece in my life. My very first memory of life is watching the movie Poltergeist. I was three years old. I grew up on cheesy Sci-Fi movies and shows. I grew up on Christopher Pike and of course R.L. Stein. I love all things horror and really just wanted to create a space where horror loves of all walks can come and celebrate the genre in a safe space. When I started Voices in Feb of 2021, I had no idea it would grow into what it is today and I honestly couldn't be more proud of what Steve and I are doing with the channel! 


  • Favorite Horror Subgenre: HANDS DOWN FOUND FOOTAGE! I know, I know. So many people disrespect the art that is found footage but it is one of my absolute favorites! 

​Like many 90s babies I got into horror with series like Are You Afraid of the Dark and Goosebumps; but it wasn’t until seeing Poltergeist for the first time did my love for the genre explode. I studied film production in college, and dreamed of making own horror films one day. Save for a few short student films, my film career was unfortunately short lived. After transitioning to social work and psychotherapy, I still felt like there was something in me that NEEDED to be more involved in horror. That is where I dove into horror-content creating and met my fabulous friend Angel who invited me to join VOICES.


Favorite Horror Subgenre: I'm torn between slashers and ghost stories!


Twitter: @PolterGuySteve

IG: @polterguysteve



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